Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It Goes So Fast ...

Grayson and Emma are well into their second weeks of Kindergarten and 2nd grade. They are pros now and pretty much have the routine nailed down. I'm still working on it, however.

I talked to my friend Lori today who reminded me her oldest son Tom is soon starting driver's ed. What??!! I vividly remember the day he went to Kindergarten on the first day. I didn't have children yet but we cried together on the 2nd floor of Columbia Hospital.

I remember that day so well .. sad for her and hopeful I would be blessed with children so I could feel that way too. She saw Grayson's first day pictures on the blog and called to check in.

It goes too fast. I'm aware of it now so I took these pictures of the kids to help remind me that they were little once. I think I may have to have them framed and put somewhere prominent in the house where I can remind myself to slow down and drink it all in.


Rebecca Lily said...

Good reminder... it does go WAY too fast. My oldest is 5th grade... FIFTH GRADE... I remember being in 5th grade and liking boys and talking about getting my period!! I am SO not ready for my kids to grow up!!!!

I love the pictures of your kiddos. So precious! Can you imagine it any other way???


mamatutwo said...

Way too doesn go way too fast. I keep telling them to slow down. Cute kiddos.