Saturday, May 31, 2008

Every Kid Needs A Marshmallow Shooter

Sometimes you just have to know when to give in.

That's what happened with the marshmallow shooters. I have always tried to limit the ready-made weapons in the household to swords and the occasional decorated papertowel roll. Well, the school book fair sold this pretty neato book on how to assemble and decorate your own marshmallow shooter. It looked pretty harmless and a great way to pass the loooooong days until school starts again so I bought the book. Yep, Grayson and Monte got a hold of it while I was at work and peacefully unaware.

Problem #1 - the book only came with enough pieces/parts for one gun and only a few pieces of ammo (marshmallows).

Solution - The book tells you exactly what you need to buy to make all kinds of different styles of weaponry - you'd be surprised what people have made out of pvc pipe and pipe cutters.

The book came with stickers for decorating and several different targets. Grayson found Emma's picture and suggested we use it. =)

I don't know if you can see Emma's gun but it says "Girls Rule." I guess it's better than some NRA slogan. As I type this, the neighborhood kids are over begging Monte to make them one. Hmmm.... maybe I should call the moms first.

Only 81 days until school starts again!!!!!!!!!


Sarah said...

I can't let Kevin see this post. He'd want to make one, for sure! I can see it now... he'd be firing marshmallows around the house for Sedona to chase and eat up.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Scott's been shooting squirels off of the bird feeder with a sling shot and jelly beans. Actually I should say "trying to shoot squirels..." I think he's only hit two. Maybe he'd have better luck with the Marshmallow Shooter. Hmmmm Father's Day....

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog while searching for info on marshmallow shooters. I'm thinking about getting all my grandsons one for Christmas, but I don't know whether the ones in the store are best or the book like you mentioned here. It has been about 5 months since you posted this - do your children still like them? Would you recommend this, or do you wish you had bought one from the store (or not at all!)? I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me!! By the way - your kids are adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?