Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kindergarten Shots

It was drama to end all drama. There are earthquakes in China, killer storms in Myanmar, and gas is now over $4.00 per gallon. None of that quite compared to Grayson getting his kindergarten shots. Now - I should preface this by telling you -word is out on the street about the shots. Seemingly, every preschool boy and girl at our preschool has either lived to tell the tale or has heard the horror stories. I suspect these stories are greatly exaggerated by the ones who have "gone before" so I tried to be realistic in my explanations to him today. Didn't matter.

I was prepared for a little drama (I remember Emma's experience pretty distinctly) but I didn't really expect the same from Grayson. I won't go into all the gory details because he'll most likely read this someday, but suffice it to say that the small toy I promised him if he was at least a little good didn't happen. We all got ice cream cones instead. Then, after he stopped crying, he recalled the Disney lollipops waiting in the pantry. After four shots, two doses of Tylenol, and a borderline diagnosis of dehydration from all the crying, I relented.

I can't believe he's all ready to go to kindergarten.

1 comment:

The Sullivan Sitcom said...

Great!? Maggie is already freaking out about getting the shots. I'm going to have to do it soon and just get it over with. This is a girl who it took 3 nurses and myself to hold her down for a flu shot! Yikes. Andy's going to have to take to afternoon off just to help me.