Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Fun at the Pool ....

I was pretty excited that the preschool AND Em's elementary school fully prepared the kids for the meaning of Memorial Day and that they know that it is more than just a day off of school. They even asked to go to a cemetery to see all the flags. So .. we are there tomorrow.

For the past two days though, we've done nothing but play. Everybody needs that every once in a while right? Yesterday we had swim lessons in the morning, came home to eat lunch, then headed over to Fort Wayne Children's zoo (with the Gardner clan) then continued on with them to their neighborhood pool for some more swim time. It was a full day - completed with a friend of Em's sleeping over. We are slept pretty well.

Today we headed over the their pool again and met up with the Ellis clan. I think 7 kids aged 7 and under did pretty well today. Claire learned she can float in the pool by herself (with floaties and a swim ring), Emma learned to dive off the diving board (sort of) and Grayson learned he can retrive items off the bottom of the pool - even 5 feet! Making progress for the first swim weekend!

Everyone, enjoy your holiday weekend and say a continued prayer for all our soldiers and their loved ones.

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