Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I can't believe it has been an entire week since I've posted. I feel like I have aged a bit more than that. Updates from the most recent....

We just got home from Claire's ear tube surgery. It was a little rougher coming out of the anesthesia than they would have liked so we stayed a bit longer. We were still home in two hours so all in all - everything is OK. She's a little mopey but eating and drinking and complaining. Does my heart good she is getting back to normal. The most traumatic thing to her was the hospital gown. It was itchy - TOTALLY the wrong color - there were dogs on it instead of kitties - AND it didn't go with her pink necklace she brought along for the occasion. To think I had worried about pain.......

Entirely too many of you remembered my birthday. I've gotten your email and phone calls. I just haven't responded yet. You are too kind (well, most of you were anyway).

Grandma's funeral was Monday. There are two things I know for sure:
1. She is at peace and in heaven, finally knowing all the answers to the questions we ask ourselves and the situations we struggle with.
2. I have the best friends ( and spouse).

My Sunday was brightened considerably when a vanload of great friends drove two hours each way just to bring food and their smiling faces. They have no idea what their friendship and gestures mean to me on a continual basis. You all sustain me. Thank you for being the authentic and truthful friends that you are.

As always, my other half contributes his sort of quiet and evolving wisdom that I am grateful for.


Rebecca Lily said...

You are blessed, Amy!!

Your posts have made me laugh and cry lately... the story about Claire's hospital gown was so funny to me because my Claire is the exact same way!!!

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

First, we love you and hope this week is a good one! Second we want to say...

Happy Birthday, Emma!