Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Time to Announce........

that we are indeed adding another member to our family! Some of you know this anyway (it is fairly obvious if you have seen me lately) and we have been to the doctor enough times to make it official. Most of you know we were going to adopt, having completed various paperwork, etc. We both felt called to do this. Imagine our surprise when we learned God had other plans for our family. In my life, I am starting to sense a theme. I have this great plan. I mention it to God, He chuckles, then reveals His plan for me - which obviously trumps mine every time.
Being somewhat of a slow learner, I am getting it - His plans are for the best - I just need to trust it every time.

So - baby is due to arrive mid August. Yep, right when Emma is going into 2nd grade and Grayson is venturing into Kindergarten. Claire will be in 3 yr old preschool. Can you think of a more hectic month to have a baby? via C-section? Not being able to drive for a few weeks?

We just told the kids - expecting a wide range of reactions - fearing most the one from Emma. We were really pretty pleasantly surprised. Claire has made it fairly clear that she will be ordering a baby sister, Grayson wishes for a baby brother (who can blame him with all the estrogen going on in this house), and Emma - thinks God will give Grayson a brother since she already got her wish with a sister. Gulp. I didn't give her enough credit.

I was apprehensive about the whole doctor thing - since MINE in Morton was just perfect for our family. I still tear up thinking about having a baby without him. I actually considered driving to Peoria for the delivery. I know.... I know... but who else can deliver my babies to Jimmy Buffet tunes and then bring me dinner?

However, God is good and led me to a man who is as close as you could get without the giant parrot head. He even has the same first name. Is that a sign or what??? He is a smart aleck with a dry sense of humor and a razor sharp wit. I am telling you, if I could introduce docs Tom and Tom to each other - I just know they would hit it off. I love them both.

Did I mention he is a high risk doc? Since I am now officially a geriatric pregnancy, I get to go see him. That is OK since I am one of the younger ones in his practice !

So... there you go. Fifteen weeks and counting. More to come... I just wanted to wake you up this morning.


The Sullivan Sitcom said...

Congratulations! What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a wonderful blessing this is! You will come through this geriatric pregnancy just fine. Once the shock as wore off you will be fine and it seems the shock is over. I'am speaking from experience. The end result is great and it keeps you young.


Lisa said...

OMG....here I was all excited b/c we got a new puppy! I am so very excited for you guys! What a wonderful blessing.

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Thank God in heaven you've come out of the closet! I'm almost as excited now to be able to talk about it! I've been good, haven't breathed a word, but it killed me woman! Love you guys! Congratulations on the newest mini Savage!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys :)


Rebecca Lily said...

I've been watching/waiting with bated breath... so happy to see that things are progressing well and you can announce your happy news to the world!! Congratulations, Monte, Amy, Emma, Grayson and Claire!! What a wonderful gift. :)


P.S. 3 is fun... 4 is even better. :)