Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random Thoughts on Inauguration Day

I admit it. I got sucked into watching parts of the Presidential Inauguration. I figured it would be the same old, hum drum stuff. So I settled in and prepared to watch some of the DVR'd material piling up.

When people started dropping like flies during the luncheon, I was hooked.

Loved Aretha's hat. Michelle's yellow dress? Not so much.

It was all very exciting. The celebrities, the gifts, the music, the speeches, the fanfare ... and the "Beast." That's the presidential car ... in case you aren't up on things like that.

However, in a recession/depression climate, do we REALLY need to spend 160 MILLION dollars on a big shindig? Wouldn't he still be president Obama if YoYo Ma wasn't the cellist?

All politics aside, Barack Obama is our nation's president now and our prayers should include him and his entire adminstration. I am glad Teddy Kennedy appears to be out of the woods.
I am proud of our nation's ever-enlightening views on race. I hope the Obama adminstration works for peace and accountability. Both are sorely needed.

I'd like nothing more than to admit I was wrong.

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