Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brotherly Love

Or double trouble ...whichever moniker you like.

Like his big brother, Cooper seems to enjoy anything involving loud, rough play. Grayson always asks if he can "wrestle with him gently."

So far, no injuries. But look out when Cooper gets teeth!
Based on their interactions with Cooper, I'm predicting Grayson will have the most children. I'm also praying they will all be with the same woman ... and that the woman is his wife!!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Amy ~

Having a hubby and three sons I've learned boys share their "love" through various physical ways. "Wrestle Mania" which can break out at any given moment in time! Then, there is the tackling each other for no apparent reason and the list will go on and on. Your world will change as Cooper gets older and he bonds with Grayson the way only brothers can do. I have concluded after 18 years that it's only something that those with high amounts of testosterone can truly understand:)