Monday, January 5, 2009

Chick Magnet

I can't recall right now where Cooper got this adorable onesie (in case you can't read it, it says "chick magnet." I just know it was a gift - and from a friend. A pretty GOOD friend I expect - as most people don't send gifts anymore for the fourth baby. That just makes me more embarrassed that I don't remember. Forgive me. Just know that I LOVE IT. It makes me laugh every time he wears it. Especially when you pair the onesie with the thighs. Too much.

I also adore the hat Jennifer gave me. Maybe I should pair it with the onesie. Add the thighs and make it a triple threat... and give the folks at "What Not to Wear" an aneurysm.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOVE that little chuck of love in the chick magnet attire. LOVE it.