Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Right Before Our Very Eyes ...

Cooper really is looking different every day now ... as evidenced by remarks from neighbors and friends who see him only every couple days. He has a routine now and sticks to it pretty remarkably given he's only 5 1/2 weeks old. That's the good news.

The "iffy" part of that news is that he is decidedly AWAKE from about 7:30 am to 9:30 am - just about the WORST part of my day. So - if I can just muddle through the morning and emerge with both lunches, snacks, and bookbags packed (complete with swimsuit and goggles twice per week for Emma's swimming for PE), I can lay Cooper down then concentrate on Claire.

I took these this morning in my "free time." He's now interested in grabbing at toys and looking at various contrasts in the living room. Of course - he loooving his big sister Emma right now - I think it's because of her voice and hair. And ... maybe he appreciates the fact that she doesn't rub the top of his head off or constantly try to shove the pacifier half way down his throat like the other two. That could be it.


Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Wow! Those eyes! Looks like the sleepy baby period is wearing off. He's a doll. He does look remarkably familiar. Not like he looks just like one of the others but like you stirred them in a pot...definite Savage! Is that red hair I see?

Miss you guys!

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

He continues to be delicious. Can't wait to get my hands on him!

Rebecca Lily said...

Oh my gosh!!!! He has changed SO MUCH!!!!!!! He is so dang cute, Amy! Love the pic of he and Emma. :) Pure cuteness!! I am going to get my butt over there to see you soon. I need a baby fix!
