Sunday, September 14, 2008

One Month Old Already!

So tomorrow Cooper is one month old. Wow! That amount of time has FLOWN by ... guess we've been busy with school and schedules and all that.

He continues to be a really laid back baby - he bears such a strong physical and spiritual resemblance to Grayson - it's darnright scary!

These are some pictures taken by the hospital photographer. We got a larger print of the color shot and some smaller ones of the colorized black and white. We just couldn't decide. He already looks so different but since some of you haven't seen him yet - we thought we'd share them. Isn't he just yummy?


Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

What a pretty boy! I can't believe these are hospital pictures! My kids always look a little like a dear in the headlights in their hospital pics! I also can't believe it's been a month and I haven't seen that little man yet! Think of you guys often!

mamatutwo said...

What a beautiful baby. I know that you are over the moon...