Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ode to Troy Gardner - This One's for You!

To find a great guy, you must know where to look
I hear that this one has a page on Facebook.

Now ladies, I'm sorry to report that he's taken
My friend is the one to whom he brings home his bacon.

But Troy ... so handsome, so funny, so smart
They're lucky to have him - retail genius - Walmart.

Customer service driven - both at home and at work
Having a this guy as a friend is a joy and a perk.

Our TV wasn't working - is just wasn't right
He took care of our problem - the very same night!

Compared to some guys, he's a prince among men
He's constantly in contact with lucky wife Jen.

This summer while we ladies sat by the pool
He sometimes stopped by to "help us look cool."

He offered - no kidding, no joshing, no jokes
to run to McDonald's for large Diet Cokes.

He knows that we love them, Jen, Martha and I -
so he brought us each one - that considerate guy!

His kids? They both love him - to them he's no zero
With the Wii and home theater - he's Blake's guitar hero.

I could go on and on.. and post 'till I'm blue
Troy Gardner - we love ya - it's all ABOUT YOU!

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