Wednesday, January 30, 2008

At least I am bathing them...

After my last post, I think my readers may call Child Services and complain about neglect. As you can see, I am bathing them.... just all three at a time to be more efficient. All for the kingdom of mouse! If I am not surfing the net, how will I find out what the recommended restaurants are in all the Disney parks? What if we dare eat chicken fingers at the wrong place? Gasp!

I do hope you can read my jest. We are really being surprisingly low key and zen-like about all this. It is just that once you start reading, it is surprisingly hard to stop. After all, there is an ABUNDANCE of information out there. But, the way I figure out, the kids have never been there, so they will never know what we missed. So, if we are relaxed, there is a greater chance of having a BLAST as family and a lesser chance of angering the stomach flu gods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucky guy I'd love to have those to in the bath naked, would you like me to show you how to make them feel really good? Toddlers love fingers and tongues in just the right place