Thursday, November 13, 2008

Go Ahead. I Can Take It.

Take a second look at the picture. Cause I know that the first one was a cursory - just being polite because she's probably just posting a picture of the cute baby in his Halloween costume - look. I understand. I'm busy too. But this is serious business. Look closer. Do it for me.

I need your opinion. How old do I look? I mean, I know I'm not 21 anymore (thank you God), but do I have that geriatric look? Not that a woman can't be regal, sophisticated, beautiful AND mature ..all at the same time. It's just not what I'm going for right now. I only ask because...

the SECOND person (in the same day) asked if Cooper is my GRANDSON. Seriously. I know I'm not superhip or anything but I didn't see that coming. Twice.
So .. if you are my friend, you'll be honest with me. Are the lowlights not working for me? Am I wearing mom jeans? Or .. am I just - as my doctor so cleverly labelled me - advanced maternal age?

So bring on the botox. and the celery sticks. and the personal trainer. and the eyebrow tweezer. Cause I'm not taking this lying down.


Sarah said...

Are you serious? REALLY serious? I'd just think of it this way... you've done lots of things right in your life. Went to college, started a career and could support yourself, married a great guy, THEN had kids. 1-2-3... and then the little chuck of love Coop #4. I think the people asking you this most likely did some of the things you did in a different order. Popped out baby #1 at age 18 and had a grandchild by the age of 36. Something to think about....

Susan said...

You do NOT look like a grandma!! You look great, you don't need to change a thing other than staying away from crazy people. :)

Teresa said...

It is obvious the people making these comments are either totally jealous that you look so good and just don't know a polite way to say it or they need to put their bi-focals on to see you a little better! You look GREAT and to think your the mom of not one, not two, not three but FOUR incredible, beautiful children ~ I wouldn't change a thing!!!

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Well, how much had you had to drink on this day?

Sorry, couldn't help it!

You, my dear, are brimming over with youth. Although Cooper has me a little frightened being that he looks like he's going to knock someone out in that picture, I'd say in that picture you look somewhere in your mid 30's. But you act like 16, does that count? I've seen you look a good 24ish. You get points deducted in that picture because with all the black it looks a little like your head is not attached to anything. Now, only a real friend would tell you that!

I hope you don't mind I plastered my blog with that cute little guy's pictures!

Love ya!

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

Is this a joke? If not, I think Sarah might be on the right track. It's the only possible explanation. You do NOT look like a grandmother. Please.

However, if you ever need someone to go shopping with for some more NON-Mom jeans, I'm available. I would sacrifice myself for you. It's just the kind of friend I am.

Rebecca Lily said...

Well, with all the teen moms these days, grandmas ARE getting younger... and NO you do not look the least bit like a grandma!!!! You are hip girlfriend!
