Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Addendum to Coin Toss

"The bigs" just got home from school. Imagine my surprise when Grayson announced he had won Character Kid of the Month for Responsibility. Yep, the same award Emma just won. I demanded proof.

This stunning turn of events suggests one of a few things:

1. The pool of contestants leave something to be desired.

2. The teachers select kids not by merit but by choosing names from a hat.

3. There was not an award given for "class wiseass." (See Coin Toss post from earlier today)

All kidding aside buddy - Congratulations! We are really very proud of you.


Sarah said...

or maybe you are doing at great job!

Sarah said...

AAAAAMMMMMMYYYYYY! You're so bad. And you wonder where these kids get their wiseass-ness from?

Sarah said...

So... I'm out to dinner with the fam. I'm coming back from getting my salad from the salad bar. And mom's talking about lovin' the coin toss story when I come back to the table. :) Oh, and mom says she's never heard of Havarti cheese before, either. THANK GOD WE HAVE THE SAVAGES IN OUR LIVES to make us laugh out loud at their kids and feed our babygirl darn good cheese.