Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Emma!

When Emma gets off the bus after school today, she will be 8 years old. Or, as she told me last night, halfway to sweet sixteen. Gulp.

There are definitive signs she is growing up. Today, I told her I would bring her a special birthday lunch .. and not subject her to the "ultimate pizza snack" offered via the school cafetorium. She's apparently outgrown Happy Meals ... opting for a ham and cheese from Subway. For dinner? Vegetable lo mein please. I'm just glad she hasn't discovered sushi.

She chose to host a sleepover for four of her friends instead of pushing tokens into obnoxious video games at a pizza toting restaurant with a large mouse on it. She's "so over" Chuck E Cheese.

We also did the gift shopping a little differently this year. She made a list of items she wanted for her birthday - along with how much they cost. Then we talked about the birthday budget. Given that budget, it was her responsibility to come up with what she wanted and could afford. It completely did away with the whining, gave her complete control over what gift she chose, and made her appear very grown up, especially when she asked if she could use the money to attend some art classes. Uhh...sure. But don't you want to go buy candy?

All this growing up is a little hard to take. That's why I was soooo glad when the sleepover girls selected BOLT as the movie to see at the theatre. There's just something special about a bunch of giggling girls and an animated movie that makes things slow down just a bit. Even if it only lasts 90 minutes.

Happy Birthday Emma. No rush to 9 right?


Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Happy Birthday to Emma and Happy Birthday to Emma's really cool, no where near 40 year old Mom! (whose birthday card is sitting in the same pile as my little brother's whoese birthday was early February.) One day, one day I will get cards in the mail the year I buy them!! Until then, know we love you guys!! Hope you both had a great weekend!

And eight...yeah, good luck with that! =)

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Emma!! Did the girls scream and giggle all night and then so quiet in the morning? That is how Samantha's sleepover went, it was so cute. I hope her party was a blast!

Teresa said...

Oh Amy ~

Your little girl is growing up!! It sounds like she had a wonderful time and Mom did as well!!! Congratulations on raising such a responsible young lady:)