Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break

Well, it's Friday night and the kids are in bed. My billing reports and progress notes for work are finished and emailed in to the appropriate people. I planned on filling you in on all the witty and fun things the kids and I accomplished this week.... this loooooong week while ALL of them were off school. But I won't. I'm too tired.

Suffice it to say that nothing screams "BIRTH CONTROL" like spring break.

In fact, if I were in charge of high school curriculum, I would suggest that all high schoolers spend a few days babysitting families when all the kiddos are home for a week. With their other siblings. With NOTHING to do. In cold, rainy weather. Listening to things like "He hit me." or "It's my turn." Over and over and over.

Yep. Planned Parenthood should have a video of my house this week.

Only three days till Monday.


Sarah said...

LOLing! Amy, dearest. I never know what will come out of your mouth... or your fingers for that matter.

Susan said...

Very funny!! Samantha and her two friends were at our house for the WHOLE spring break and faught about what they were going to play. They also tracked in ALL..ok, maybe not all..the mud from my backyard. I still have to clean that, have any idea what a good steamcleaner model is? As for 3 days wine works best!!