Apparently, at Claire's soccer game Saturday morning, Monte got equal compliments on our "cute little boy" and "darling little girl." I thought that was really nice ... until he told me everyone was talking about Cooper. Wearing blue. All over.
OK - as much as I love the curls, it was time to cut the hair. I didn't even bother to take the camera. I predicted he would be a fart in a skillet... and he was. I knew what his reaction would be. I just wasn't prepared for mine. Tears. Quite a few. It' s a really good thing I went to our family hair place. All the girls know me (and all the kids) and they treated us like family. Of course, they've known Cooper as long as I have. Kleenex, Diet Coke, knowing glances, and a few tears later, it was all done. He looks like a boy. And about three years old.
I still can't get him to slow down long enough to get a good shot of the curl-less wonder. This is the best I can do. Wish I could slow time down just a little bit.