Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crazy "Cane" Fans...

Like our house needed another sports addiction.

Grayson and Monte (and me too - when I get to go) have really enjoyed going to a few Carolina Hurricanes Hockey games. Tonight neighbors graciously provided us some tickets so I sent 2/3 of my boys off to the game... in their jerseys. The remaining 1/3 was not so happy about this arrangement. All in due time Cooper.

Have fun guys. The girls will be curled up on the couch...watching American Idol... with popcorn. Enjoying the silence.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Winter Swim Medalists

Our first winter swim league meet here in North Carolina was so much fun! It was smaller, shorter, and far less stressful than the big SWAC extravaganzas... and it was just what Claire's self esteem needed to keep going.

All told, Emma, Claire and Grayson brought home fifteen ribbons and two bronze medals. Emma came in fourth place in her division and had several personal bests times. It was a tough pill for her to swallow... given the whole sibling rivalry thing... but a great life lesson.

More than their performances, we were really proud of how everyone on their team conducted themselves. As a kid-pusher for Grayson's age group, I was prepared to get my "Mom voice" out... but never had to. All the kids were respectful and well behaved.

Often, you learn far more than just sports by being on a team. Great job!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 In Review... A Letter to the Kids...

2010 has been over for a week... and part of me still can't let go of it. It was a year of marked change in our lives. Huge energy shifts. Relocation. New school schedule. New friends. New weather. Loss. Grief. Starting over takes a lot out of you. And it puts a lot back in.

Emma - You are growing up. Turning 10 in a few months. You are responsible, focused, and willing to take in and on new things and challenges. You get on planes and go visit your friends. You have email. You keep current on all things news related. I love that you share my taste for Asian, Indian, and Thai foods and that you are becoming really interested in healthy food options. You are ready to take on additional challenges in school...keep communicating with me girl. I am your mother first... but I am also one of your biggest fans.

Grayson - I listen to you talk to your friends, read your sports books, or talk to me on the phone and I hear a different voice lately. Deeper...with cultural references, sports terms, slang...and full of is evident how much you have grown this year. I know this move was hard for you and we are proud of how you have handled yourself. You are a sports addict... and it is a lot of fun for us to let you stay up late watching the Colts play, taking you to a hockey game, or watching you throw around a ball in the backyard. Today someone called you "handsome." Instead of cute. I guess that means you are growing up too.

Claire - You morphed into your own person this year. You now have (and share) your opinions. You have found your own interests... and your own voice. You became a reader. And a writer. Your literacy skills are some powerful tools. Use them to make that voice heard.... because you have great stuff to share. I love that you often don't change out of your pajamas...pick out your own clothes...and rollerskate for hours inside and out. Now if you could just figure out that bike thing...

Cooper - Oh boy. I worried you would never talk. Now I worry you won't ever stop. You are a dynamo...filled with raw energy. Independent...almost to a fault. Busy...clever...but still just two. You are just on the edge of showing us who you will become...and unlike your sister, I don't EVER worry you won't find your voice. You love your daddy, your siblings, your preschool, and food with reckless abandon. You fill me up. You also wear me out. Learing to say "I wub you Mom" may have just saved your life this year. Keep working it my man.

So... new house, new school, new friends, new puppy... we've changed the energy in this family quite a bit this year. It's all very bittersweet. But... as Grayson is fond of saying, "I've got your back".... and "We are a team." We do... and we are.