Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sometimes God Uses Shoes ...

A while ago, I heard a great sermon about God using who and what He can to "get His point across." It was far more eloquent than that ... but I got the gist ... and it stuck. He drove the point home today.

All four kids were home this morning. We had a deposit slip in hand and shoes were on. I wasn't dressed yet but I was going to do that after all the kids were in the car. We were headed to the bank. It was 10:18. Then Cooper had a two year old "moment." It was over which shoes he was willing to wear. Silly. Trivial. Frustrating.

I let it play out. When it was over I looked at the clock it was 10:30. Takes four minutes to get to the bank ...should I go? Nope. Still wasn't dressed. I have to go in ... and take all the kids... no driveup at our bank. It is inside a grocery store. Not today.

The bank was robbed at exactly 10:30 this morning.

God uses what He can. Today, He used shoes. And a two year boy.

Thank You God.


Myah said...

oh my gosh. My jaw is dropped open! So thankful you didn't go. Thankful Coop threw a fit!! :) I am sure Ian was throwing one then too. :) I REALLY wish you lived here so we could do 2 year old play dates together!! ps... Ian has started talking some!!

Anonymous said...

great blog design.. it's simple but unique and colorful

Teresa said...

I'm soooo glad he used shoes and a two year old!!!