Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Lot Can Happen In a Month ...

Sooooo.... turns out, in a month's time, it is possible to ...
- sell a house
- buy a house
- show a house (fourteen or fifteen times)
- take a stress-filled house-hunting trip to NC
- manage the daily routines of a family of five without a husband ... who has already left.
- hold down two part-time jobs
- not lose, maim, or injure any children or enter rehab of any kind. Yet.

Things are actually starting to come together. Turns out, the southeast is considerably more costly with FAR different school system stuff to work through. I won't even go there now. That is post-worthy on its own. There are other issues to sort through - like child care, a job for me and year round school ... starting three weeks after it gets out here. Oh yeah ... the kids are thrilled about that one.

It will all get done. Eventually. If I can only get the moving people to call me back ... I might have a better idea of when that actually might be.


Teresa said...

Bless your heart!! I've been thinking of you often and keeping you in my prayers. Congrats on selling and buying a house in am month ~ you go girl!! We will continue to keep you all in our prayers and please send me your new address when you get a chance:) Lova ya!!

Susan said...

That is a lot to do in a month! Sounds like a very busy time. When do YOU move?