Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Best of Days... and the Worst of Days...

Today has NOT gone the way I had hoped it would. Or planned.

We missed church... due to one snotty toddler, one crabby preschooler, and two wiped out school aged urchins. Too many nice days + too many playdates = too much attitude.

Just 14 days after a $1,000 furnace fix, both the furnace and hot water heater quit. Again. Why does it always happen after I decide to throw caution to the wind and let Cooper eat his applesauce himself? Drat. Showers at the Y. They may start to think we are homeless.

Cold shower for me. Freezing. Cold. See above.

I decided to make a cake. Our new oven does not have a locking mechanism. Cooper decided to open the oven while both of us were our of the kitchen. Thank God for "little mama" Claire who alerted us to the event and saved all of us from something very scary. Ordering oven lock today.

The homemade... from scratch .... carrot cake with the homemade cream cheese frosting ... burnt around the edges due to my "hotter than average" oven. Not to fear though... the middle decided to even things up a bit by being closer to raw. Ugh. I managed to salvage it with aluminum foil and cutting the edges out before serving. It was just about the ugliest thing ever. See picture.

And... to top it all off (pun intended), I forgot the candles to go on the cake. So... we ravaged the junk drawer and came up with last year's models... a 5 and a 7. The kids let the birthday boy decide whether he wanted to be 75 or 57. Even though he's only 43 today. For many reasons, it was the worst of days.

But. It's November 15th. The day we celebrate my husband's birthday. And not just because he's another year older. It's because on days like these... when I'm short tempered, dripping and cold, failing basic cake-baking, narrowly avoiding a trip to the ER, and wondering if I'm developing dementia.... he's right there. Smiling. Calm. Blowing out (last year's) candles. Eating the cake. Having seconds. Acting like it's all right. Making me believe that it is. And that makes today ... the best of days. Happy Birthday Sweetheart.


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Monte! Hey... at least he got a cake for his birthday... and a cake that counts as serving a vegetable, right?

Kevin didn't even get a cake for his birthday last week. I took him out for a steak on his birthday eve and then went on a work trip and left him to go to my parents' house.

We don't have a lock on our oven... I don't think so anyway. Gotta talk to my domestic engineer about that one. Thanks for the heads up. HC just likes to pull out the sharp cutco knives out of the dishwasher... you know... the same cutco knives that sent mama to the ER when I tried to cut off my finger.

Baked Blessings said...

Amy & Monte- we miss you guys so much! Happy Birthday Monte. Amy- you still make me smile. Hang in there sister!

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Happy Birthda Monte!

This was one of those post where I cold hear your voice. Although I'm sure to actually hear you would have made me laugh...